


Liu Mengxin

Spirit Sparrow Cloud Technologist

A Spiritbird Cloud technologist, he currently leads the Container Networking team at Spiritbird Cloud, working on solving pain points in running Kubernetes services.In 2019, he created the open source project Kube-OVN, which aims to bring traditional software-defined networking technologies into the cloud-native space, and is now a CNCF sandboxed project. As a founding engineer of the company, he has been deeply involved in the startup phase of the company since 2015. He also has a strong interest in the commercialization and internationalization of open source projects, and expects to communicate and share with more peers through this conference.


Best Practices for Kube-OVN Hybrid Network Scenarios

This presentation will explore how Kube-OVN enables seamless physical and virtual networking in Kubernetes environments, solving the complex challenges of network integration.Based on open source OVN technology, Kube-OVN optimizes network synchronization mechanisms, encapsulation protocols, and routing policies to significantly improve network transparency and interoperability. Participants will learn how Kube-OVN simplifies network management, optimizes network performance, and has practical applications in large-scale production environments. This presentation is for network architects, system administrators, and DevOps professionals to help them achieve effective convergence of underlay and overlay networks in Kubernetes networking solutions to drive cloud-native architectures. Outline: 1. Scenarios for Underlay and Overlay 2. Kube-OVN technical architecture 3.How to Integrate Underlay and Overlay Networks 4. Practical application cases

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