


Tan Jianghua

Architect of Jingdong Logistics Algorithmic Platform for Shenmai

Tang Jianghua, currently serves as the architect of Jingdong Logistics' Shenmiao algorithmic platform, responsible for algorithmic platform research and development, as well as experience, transportation, warehousing and other algorithmic direction of the architecture landing. The Magic Algorithm platform is a one-stop algorithm service platform. It aims to improve the development efficiency of algorithm engineers, the efficiency of machine use, quantify the value of algorithms and guide the next iteration of algorithms, and ultimately empower physical enterprises to realize digital transformation. The platform provides feature engineering, model training, online reasoning and AB experiments, as well as algorithm stability tools and other general capabilities, empowering algorithm engineers to quickly develop, test, launch and maintain algorithmic projects.


Evolution of Algorithmic Service Systems in the Age of Big Models

With the deepening of digital intelligence in the logistics industry, algorithm application landing becomes more and more frequent, and the iteration speed becomes faster and faster. In this process, how to continuously improve the performance of the algorithm, as well as how to improve the efficiency of the iteration, has become two more critical issues. As a one-stop algorithmic platform for Jingdong Logistics, after two years of iteration, the algorithmic algorithmic platform has preliminary algorithmic development, training, service and other general capabilities, and has played a better role in the actual algorithmic project landing. In addition, from last year, the big model technology trend began to blow towards all walks of life, Jingdong Logistics also catch up, in all processes and positions to penetrate the use of big models. The algorithm platform has also done some technical evolution to empower the application of large model algorithms to the ground. This sharing session will start from the business of Jingdong Logistics, introduce some progress and thinking of the algorithm platform of ShenmaiMiao Algorithm in algorithm service, including: 1. introduction 2. data service 3. Experimental evaluation 4. model deployment 5. Algorithm service 6. Case Studies 7. Future Outlook

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