


Yapu Wang

Observable Technology Leader of Little Red Book

Mr. Wang Yapu, Observable Technology Leader of Little Red Book. He is currently working in the Observable Technology Group of the Basic Technology Department of Little Red Book, and is mainly responsible for the construction of the observable technology system of Little Red Book, combining the current situation of cloud native architecture within the company, promoting the large-scale landing of observable technology in the company, providing a one-stop observable platform for the business, and applying it deeply in the construction of the company's stability project to improve the efficiency of fault discovery, response, and localization. He used to work in Meituan and Ant Group, focusing on observable technology, high-performance component enthusiast, and technical columnist of “Netty Core Principle Analysis and RPC Practice”.


Little Red Book Cloud Native Observable Evolution and AIOps Practices

Most of Little Red Book's business grows on the cloud, and the dividends of cloud computing have accelerated the development speed of Little Red Book's technology iteration. around 2018, Little Red Book began to try cloud-native technology practices, and also introduced the open source community's solutions in terms of observable selections. however, with the rapid development of Little Red Book's business, Metrics/Logging/Tracing in the large-scale production landing However, with the rapid development of Xiaohongshu's business, Metrics/Logging/Tracing is facing a lot of challenges in large-scale production and landing, and needs to constantly seek breakthroughs in product and technology. How to provide a standard, easy-to-use, stable one-stop observable platform, and assist in improving the efficiency of the troubleshooting process as well as controlling the MTTR to meet the standard has become the primary goal of the evolution of observable technology for Xiaohongshu. Outline: Little Red Book Observable Development History and Challenges Evolution of the observable technology architecture of Xiaohongshu Troubleshooting process efficiency and AIOps practice Future Planning

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