


Dongyang Zheng

IDEA Senior Engineer

Dongyang Zheng, Senior Engineer, Apache Committer, rust-analyzer member & rust-lang member, focuses on compiler design and build system, IDE and other compilation toolchain co-development.


MoonBit programming language toolchain and its architectural design

Introduction:From the perspective of programming language development, MoonBit looks at the background of the birth of MoonBit, describes MoonBit's language features and core design concepts, introduces MoonBit's core components and main advantages (global optimization, WebAssembly first class support, AI Native, etc.), introduces MoonBit's compilation speed and excellent IDE experience through the vertical integration of compilers, IDEs, and build systems, etc., and introduces the development of MoonBit. It introduces the vertical integration of compilers, IDEs, and build systems, and the incremental and massively parallel compilation and optimization, scalable semantic analysis, and parallelization of the compilation process and type checking, so as to create a developer platform with extremely fast compilation speed and excellent IDE experience. Finally, we will introduce Moonbit community building and open source route. Outline: Background of Moonbit Moonbit Language Introduction Moonbit core components and architecture design Moonbit community building and open source route

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