


Xinyu Zhou

Co-founder & CTO of AutoMQ

Zhou Xinyu, co-founder & CTO of AutoMQ, is a member of Apache Software Foundation, co-founder of Apache RocketMQ & PMC member. He has nearly a decade of experience in cloud computing, and has gone through the complete cloud journey of AliCloud middleware, and is the advocate of the concept of cloud-native cloud.


Big Data Cost Reduction: AutoMQ Redesigns Kafka Based on Cloud Native

In the era of rapid development of the Internet, cloud vendors, in order to meet the needs of Internet enterprises for rapid cloud deployment and elasticity, have provided a number of “Cloud-Hosted” cloud services at the fastest speed to help enterprises to rapidly deploy to the cloud in a rehosted way. In today's environment of cost reduction, cloud services redesigned with cloud native or even multi-cloud native will have an order of magnitude advantage in elasticity, cost, capacity, and efficiency over Cloud-Hosted cloud services, and Cloud-Hosted cloud services will soon be eliminated. On the other hand, the cloud-native concept is sweeping through all areas of infrastructure software, and we are seeing a large number of infrastructure software being rewritten based on the cloud-native technology stack, with AutoMQ getting in on the action, redesigning Apache Kafka, which is a pivotal ecosystem player in the Big Data space, and delivering a 10x cost advantage and a 100x efficiency improvement. Outline: a)Share the ecological position of Apache Kafka in digital systems. b)Design background of Apache Kafka and the pain points it faces in the cloud-native era. c)The cloud-native wave and AutoMQ's shared storage technology concept. d)AutoMQ's cloud-native architecture and related advantages. e)Outlook on the product benefits of shared storage and the trend of streaming data into the lake.

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