



Go Travel Airline Ticket Mainstream Process AIGC Exploration Practice

Under the wave of AIGC, the air ticket technology team of GoTravel has been exploring opportunities and practicing on the ground in the three important directions of business empowerment, efficiency improvement and technology reserve. The content of this sharing is to excavate and explore the opportunity points of the main process of air tickets, focusing on the exploration method, the excavated opportunity points and the landing project of the opportunity points, and will also introduce how to build a technical team with AIGC development ability by combining the experience of AIGC technical reserve and team building. Outline: 1. Background 1.1 Technology Opportunities and Challenges 1.2 Business opportunity point mining 2.Introduction to the landing project 2.1 Mainstream Process Intent Recognition Project 2.2 Intelligent Pre-sales Customer Service Project 2.3 Work Order Automation Project 3.Results Show 3.1 Business landing effect display 3.2 Technical Achievements 4.Summary and Prospect 4.1 Reflections of Business R&D Team in AIGC Era 4.2 Methods for Business R&D Team to Land AIGC Projects Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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