


Zhang Xin

OceanBase 数据库解决方案架构师

OceanBase database solution architect, currently responsible for the landing and technical guidance of OceanBase database in various large Internet companies and enterprises and institutions, has worked in Internet companies and financial technology companies, led a number of database upgrades, migration, localization landing and other work. He has rich experience in database management and has been responsible for the development of database integration control platform. He has a deep understanding of database systems, and currently specializes in the research of distributed database technology.


The Road to Upgrading the Technical Architecture of OceanBase, the Distributed Database

OceanBase, as an enterprise-grade native distributed database, is characterized by cloud-native, strong consistency, flexible scaling, etc. Based on this, OceanBase technical architecture has been iteratively upgraded in response to the complexity of enterprise scenarios, such as expanding from high concurrency TP capability to HTAP capability with both TP and AP; evolving from the distributed architecture with hundreds of terabytes or even petabytes to three architectural models: standalone, master, and distributed, etc. This talk will explain the thinking behind and technical insights of OceanBase architecture upgrading. For example, from high concurrency TP capability to HTAP capability with both TP and AP; from distributed architecture that carries hundreds of terabytes or even petabytes, OceanBase has further evolved to three architectural modes, namely, standalone, master and distributed; and from traditional relational database to multi-modal scenarios. Synopsis: 1、OceanBase 13 years of technology iteration overall review 2、OceanBase 3.x to 4.x Technology Upgrade Key Points Interpretation ● From distributed to standalone, master and backup architecture evolution. ● From TP to HTAP From TP to HTAP ● Traditional relational to multimodal ● .... 3、OceanBase Product Planning Route

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