


Liang Lipeng

Infrastructure Platform R&D Engineer, Ant Group SOFAServerless Team

Worked in Ant Group middleware team, participated in the maintenance and construction of Ant Koupleless and SOFAArk open source projects, participated in the internal SOFAServerless product development and practice.


Monolithic vs. Microservices: Koupleless Modular R&D Framework and O&M Scheduling System

Synopsis: Monolithic applications and microservices applications are two common styles of software architectures; monolithic applications are simple to develop but complex to collaborate and manage, and microservices greatly solve the problem of organizational specialization but have high resource costs. These two software architectures face a number of challenges: 1, the large monolithic application there are many people to collaborate on conflict and delivery efficiency: business developers need to perceive the complexity of the infrastructure, many people to collaborate on parallel iterative difficulties, giant applications slow (minute level), resulting in low R & D efficiency 2, microservices split out of too many applications lead to high resource and management costs: split each sub-application contains public parts (frameworks, middleware, etc.), high resource costs, and the need for long-term maintenance 3, split the agility of microservices is difficult to align with the agility of business and organizational development: how to split? How much to split? To what granularity? How to reasonably split microservices is always a difficult problem. After studying these pain points, Ant Group's middleware team designed an upgrade of the traditional microservice splitting model to solve the above pain points and provide “Speed as you need”, “Pay as you need”, “Resource reuse”, “Pay as you need”, and “Pay as you go”. you need", ‘Pay as you need’, ‘Deploy as you need’, ‘Evolution as you need’, ‘Easily evolve to microservices or back to monolithic applications’. "Characterization of the architecture evolution approach: koupleless. Outline: 1. background of ant group microservices and application development. 2. solutions and benefits of the Koupleless development framework. 3. Introduction to the Koupleless operation scheduling platform. 4. 4. the full range of capabilities required by Koupleless. 5. the benefits of Koupleless. 5. the advantages and disadvantages of Koupleless and how to balance them. 6. practical experience and case study results. 6. practical experience and case studies. 7. a summary of the outlook.

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