


Longhui Yang

360 Front-end Senior Technologist,Technical Leader of 360 Front-end Engineering Direction

360 front-end engineering direction of the technical leader, mainly responsible for 360 front-end engineering infrastructure related work; leading the development and construction of one-stop PaaS platform and provide from design, development to APM all-link standardized collaboration process and data monitoring system, has accumulated a wealth of experience in engineering construction and promotion of the implementation of the ground; is currently focusing on: AI Code, middle and back-end R & D efficiency, design collaboration field.


AI engineering system for the whole chain from design to R&D

Synopsis: The workflow from designers to engineers is undergoing revolutionary changes driven by AI technology.AI not only changes the way of design and R&D, but also significantly improves the efficiency and quality of each link. This presentation will focus on how to optimize and practice a full chain engineering system through AI technology, exploring the specific methods and practices of AI-enabled process improvement from the design stage to the final development and deployment of each link. Outline: 1. Background and trends of AI-enabled engineering a. Current situation analyzing the progress and application of AI technology b. Challenges facing the traditional process from design to R&D c. Role and value of AI in engineering system 2. Evolution of Automation to Intelligent Processes a. Introduce 360 automation process from design to development process b. Introducing how AI supports the engineering process. 3. Practice of Intelligent Processes in the Whole Chain a. AI-driven innovative design b. Expert model fine-tuning c. AI-assisted development efficiency 4. Summary and Outlook a. Future Trends and Development Directions of AI Engineering

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